How to teach old dog to use pee pad

When it comes to teach old dog to use pee pad, dogs are like human beings. They have different attitudes and capability of developing it. Only if they have the love and enough understanding from their owners.

Here is how to learn old dog to use pee pad and answer your concerns.

How to teach old dog to use pee pad?

To teach your dog how to use pee pad, you have 3 steps:

  1. Choosing the spot to the setup:

The first step in how to teach old dog to use pee pad is choosing the spot where your dog has the privacy and attraction he needs.

  • Choose a comfortable spot your dog likes, and place it on the wall such as a place with three walls to provide your dog the privacy he needs.
  • When choosing the place consider it close enough to the place where you will clean the pad easier to not worry about carrying the pad all over the house.
  • Also if the spot is far for him and not easy to reach, your friend definitely will use the floor. Near enough to him but not in the same place where he usually prefers to play. 
  1. Introducing the dog to his pee pad:

Don’t force your dog to do anything if you want good results! 

Here’s how to introduce old dog to use pee pad: 

  • Like humans, let him know that there’s a new thing he will need to know about. Walk him and let him sniff the pee pad for a few minutes and repeat it a few times until he’s comfortable with it.
  • Any time he is around the pee pad, try to seem happy or tell him a verbal cue because dogs are always keen on their owners and their approval of their actions. By this, you tell him that it is okay to pee in the pee pad.
  • Whenever you feel your dog needs to pee, take him on the leash and encourage him to pee thereby giving him approval or something. The more he practices this, the more likely he is used to it.
  1. Rewarding him:

Teaching an old dog to use pee pad is hard time and demands your time and patience. Definitely, there will be accidents until the dog gets used to it, so here’s the thing: 

  • Reward him when he pees on the pee pad by buying a new toy or a tasty meal and a lot of verbal praise.
  • No punishment not ever! Considering his age, his bladder will be weak and will not always be in control of where and when to pee.

Keep encouraging him and the more you reward him, the quicker you will see results.

These are the proper steps and instructions for you to use, but how to attract him in the first place?

How to attract a dog to a pee pad? 

teach old dog to use pee pad

One big question right after how to teach old dog to use pee pad, is how to attract your dog to the pee pad. 

Because if the dog isn't comfortable with it, there’s a mess in your way! 

To attract your dog your need: 

  • The right pee pad for his type.
  • His favourite food and toys.
  • Time, time, and time.

You need to schedule his routine in the morning or the night as you prefer and a patient to not punish him for any accidents so he doesn’t be afraid or avoid the training.

How to choose the right pee pad for your dog?

Pee pad benefits include not only the pubbies but also old dogs with health issues or who can’t control their pee process and times.

So here’re how to choose the right pee pad for your dog:

  • Your dog type
  • The pad size needs to be large enough for your dog size.
  • The pad type has adequate enough drainage so the dog doesn’t dig in the dirt.
  • Pad absorbency must not let the dog stick while he is running and not enough absorbency that he will not be able to get it off.
  • Safety is a must factor we don’t need to talk about.

The pads should be large enough for your senior dog to dig into comfortably and not need to fold them up or rest on their edges due to discomfort.

Do pee pads work for old dogs?

dog pee pad

Yes, pee pads work for old dogs. And it is the best toilet for old dogs, but you need to introduce them to your dog first by letting them sniff the pee pads and licking them, so they start to be interested in them.

Repeat this over and over until your dog is no longer suspicious about pee pads anymore. 

How long does it take for a dog to learn pee pads?

Old dogs take several weeks from 8 to 12 weeks to learn how to use pee pad. Start by adding this step into their toilet routine and please be patient until they are comfortable with it.

The timeline of practice considers one of the how-to teach old dog to use pee pad factors.

Is a female dog different from a male dog? 

In real life, there’s no big difference between the genders. But it depends on you and the dog routines or lifestyle. 

Where is the best place for a dog pee pad?

The best place for a dog pee pad: 

  • Any place closer to a door
  • Beside their bed
  • Any place is safe for them to pee

Dogs must feel safe before they let themselves pee and in the worst scenario at night they may not be capable of reaching the toilet, that’s why you need to pick the pee spot carefully.

How many times will a dog pee on a pee pad?

For puppies up to 6 recommended to change their pads twice a day for hygiene As grow frequency pads to four, size-weight overweight puppies may require more ensure habits you are comfortable for.

While answering how to teach old dog to use pee pad questions, dog owners frequently ask about the smells that dogs like to pee on. 

What smells do dogs like to pee on?

Dogs have a very keen sense of smell and are attracted to a variety of scents when it comes to urinating. Here are some smells that dogs may be attracted to when they need to urinate:

  1. Other dog's urine: 

Dogs are naturally attracted to the scent of other dogs' urine, as it can provide them with information about the other dog's gender, age, and health.

  1. Grass:

 Many dogs are attracted to the scent of grass when they need to urinate. This may be because grass typically has a neutral or slightly acidic odour, which can help mask the scent of their urine.

  1. Soil: 

Dogs may be attracted to the scent of soil, particularly if it has a high concentration of nitrogen. Nitrogen is a key component of urine, and dogs may be drawn to a soil that has a similar scent.

It's important to note that while dogs may be attracted to certain scents when they need to urinate, they typically do not have a preference for specific smells. 

Rather, they are more likely to be attracted to scents that are associated with marking their territory or communicating with other dogs.


  • Can you train a dog to use pee pads and go outside?

Yes, it is possible to train a dog to use both pee pads and to go outside to eliminate them. This can be especially helpful for dogs who live in apartments or homes without a yard, as well as for dogs who may need to use a pee pad when their owners are away.

  • Is pee pad training a good idea?

Pee pad training can be a good idea for certain situations, such as for dogs who live in apartments or homes without a yard, for dogs who are too young to go outside, or for dogs who have difficulty controlling their bladder due to a medical condition. Pee pads can provide a convenient and safe solution for these dogs to eliminate indoors.

  • How do you potty train a 13-year-old dog?

Potty training a 13-year-old dog can be challenging, but it's not impossible. The first step is to establish a consistent routine for taking your dog outside to eliminate it. You may also need to make accommodations for your dog's age, such as taking them out more frequently or providing easy access to a designated elimination area. Positive reinforcement and patience are key to successfully potty training an older dog.

  • Do pee pads encourage dogs to pee inside?

Pee pads can encourage dogs to pee inside if they are not used properly or if the dog is primarily trained to use pee pads instead of going outside to eliminate them. If a dog is not properly trained to use pee pads, they may not understand that they are only supposed to eliminate on the pad and may have accidents elsewhere in the house.